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Home Settings LLC Shares 3 Urgent Tasks You Need to Finish This Fall

Home Settings LLC Shares 3 Urgent Tasks You Need to Finish This Fall

Don't allow damage to creep into your home unnoticed.

Before the rain and frigid temps, here in the Northwest set in, Home Settings LLC offers these tips:

1. Reseal around your windows.

Caulking and sealants will shrink and crack over time. It's important to check for a proper seal around your window frames and their trim at least annually.

2. Check the weep holes on vinyl windows.

Most vinyl windows come with "weep" holes. If clogged with moss and debris, water can back up inside your walls.

Spray your window with a hose, near the top. You should see water flowing freely from the weep holes

at the bottom. If you don't, get it fixed fast.

3. Gutter cleaning

Most homeowners wait until the leaves have fallen before cleaning gutters. This can be a very expensive mistake.

Before the rain comes, and before the leaves start falling, make sure your gutters are clear to take the water off of your roof and away from your siding.

We recommend having gutters cleaned every 6 months or every 3 months in heavily wooded areas.

There are many more home maintenance tasks to consider, but these three items will help keep your house safe and in good shape through the dark and rainy season.

Home Settings LLC is a locally owned company. They are offering a free fall checkup for any homeowner in the Eugene and Springfield area. For more information, you can visit their website at

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